Women's Sexualities
  Dr. Carol Rinkleib Ellison

Generations of Women Share Intimate Secrets of Sexual Self-Acceptance
Book Cover
Photo by Cynthia Sheffer, 2000
Sacramento, California

What is
Women's Sexualities?

Women's Sexualities is a guide to self-understanding and self-acceptance. With it you can thoughtfully consider your own sexuality and compare your experiences of sex and sexuality with the experiences of many other women, including some older than you are now unless you've reached age ninety. In this book you will find narratives from interviews with women aged twenty to ninety and responses and comments from 2,632 women born between 1905 and 1977 who participated in a national survey on how women experience and express their sexuality. As you read this book, you will find yourself recognizing some of the same influences on your own sexual development as those described by the women who took part in the Survey.

Women's Sexualities is a source of information that will deepen your understanding of pleasurable lovemaking and enhance your lovemaking skills. The Survey has much to tell us about how women create their own erotic pleasure and sexual satisfaction. Furthermore, in this book, I share some of the secrets of sexual choreography that I have learned working as a psychologist with individuals and couples on issues of sexuality and intimacy for more than twenty years.

Women's Sexualities is a facilitator for sexual decision making. As you will see, women of all ages, even in their eighties, still have decisions to make about their sexuality. Also, Women's Sexualities is a valuable resource for the guidance of others, of any age, whose sexuality you may influence.

Finally, Women's Sexualities is also a stimulus for discussion. You may want to organize or join a women's Sexual Self-Acceptance (SEXSA) Circle in which to talk with other women about sex, sexuality, and each members unique sexual development.

In the Resource section you will find questions to use for such discussions. Some topics, such as sexual development in childhood or sexual trauma, could generate a series of discussions. SEXSA Circles can be peer groups or inter-generational.