These Final Questions look at Your Sexual life Over Time.
1. In my life, my sexual satisfaction has been/was
at its peak
between ages____________ and _______________years.
2. Looking back, I have at some time had a problem
in my sexual life due to the following
(check all that apply):
Inadequate sex education |
Inadequate knowledge of my body and sexual feelings |
Inadequate information about the how-to of sex |
Inadequate knowledge of the physical consequences
of sex
Inadequate knowledge of the emotional consequences
of sex |
Inadequate information about birth control |
Inadequate availability of birth control |
None of the above |
3. Looking back over my entire life, I regret the
following about my sexual life:
(check all that apply):
I got into sex when I was too young. |
I had sex with partners I should have turned
down. |
I did not have sex with someone with whom I wish
I had |
I had sex without protection against pregnancy |
I had sex without protection against disease |
I was too often not assertive enough about my
needs |
I was too inhibited |
I was celibate for too long |
I did not take more time to be celibate |
I married the wrong person because of sex |
I stayed too long in relationship with the wrong
partner |
Other (please specify) |
None of the above |
4. Looking back, the most significant sources for
me of sex information in each of the two following
have been:
(check answers in each column):
Helpful or Useful
Misleading or Harmful
Same age friend(s) |
Older friend(s) |
Sexual partner(s) |
Parent(s) |
Sex education book(s) |
Fiction books (novels, romances, etc.) |
Media (TV, movies, magazines, etc.) |
Course(s) in school or college |
Erotic or pornographic material(s) |
Religious teachings |
Relative(s) |
Health practitioner(s)/therapist(s) |
5. Looking back, I believe the information I got
from the parent(s) or parent figure(s) who raised me
me to have a healthy and fulfilling sex life.
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree N/A
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
0 |
6. Compared to how I was during the year after I
became sexually active for the first time ever with a
partner (in a
genital way, whether or not intercourse was included), I have changed
in sex in the
following ways:(check the column that best indicates
how you have changed).
If your first-ever genital contact
with a partner occurred less than a year ago, circle 0 and
skip to
question 7.
I now:
Desire sex |
More |
Less |
Same |
Get aroused easily |
Express my sexual needs |
Am inhibited |
Have erotic thoughts |
Orgasm easily |
Initiate |
Am sexually satisfied |
Have fun |
Engage in casual sex |
Am comfortable with sex |
Focus on my partner's satisfaction |
Focus on my own satisfaction |
7. On the whole, I have been satisfied with my
sexual life.
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree N/A
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
0 |
Thank You!
This is the end of the
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The questionnaire is here for VIEWING ONLY.
Please DO NOT send your answers to me.
Copyright 1998, Carol Ellison, Ph.D.